Annual General Elections Referendum Questions 2025
Do you support adopting this position of solidarity with workers and unions?
15. Worker Soladiratiy
15.1 The CSU shall act in solidarity with fellow workers and unions; and actively oppose efforts to union-bust or diminish workers’ rights. Whether those workers are performing intellectual or physical labour; the CSU commits itself to the protection and continuous implementation of workers’ rights.
Do you support adopting this position of solidarity with CREW-CSN?
15.2 The CSU stands in solidarity with CREW-CSN, the labour union for all Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Research Assistants (RAs) at Concordia University, and its efforts to obtain better working conditions for its members.
Do you support adopting this position of opposition to anti-union sentiment?
15.3 The CSU opposes anti-union sentiment and endorses the call to boycott Amazon, following its decision to maliciously lay-off unionized workers.
Do you support adopting this position of solidarity with migrants and international students?
16. Migrant Justice
16.1 In recognition of continued racial, ethnic, and linguistic discrimination targeting migrants and international students, the CSU condemns anti-immigrant rhetoric; opposes policies and regulations (provincial, federal, and at the university) which place disproportionate financial burden on international students and migrants as economic scapegoats for federal, provincial, and university finances; and calls on its members, Concordia University, and the international community-at-large to welcome migrants (undocumented and otherwise) seeking refuge and offer them the necessary rights and resources to flourish.